Electricity Solar Energy Green 
Copyright © 2011, Green Roads Energy, LLC
About Us Green Roads Energy Iceburgh Associates Member Biographies Contact Us

Green Roads Energy, LLC (“Green Roads”) and

Iceburgh Associates, LLC (“Iceburgh”) were formed

in 2011 to provide energy services to business and government

and non-profit clients.

These two dynamic companies are the premier source for innovative programs for supplying electric power and building solar energy generation systems in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

They utilize their business and governmental experience along with their strong strategic partners to provide your company, governmental or non-profit entity with an energy solution customized specifically for your needs.  

Read more to learn about revenue generating programs for your community or non profit on the Iceburgh Associates tab and learn about how solar energy is able to eliminate a significant amount of your electricity utility bill for years to come on our Green Roads Energy tab.


To start saving money right now on

YOUR HOME electricity click the dollar

sign link, and enter the code : SEGICE

Iceburgh Associates, LLC and Green Roads Energy, LLC works with Brokers licensed by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC). A full list of licensed suppliers is available on the PUC website at www.puc.state.pa.us under Electric/Suppliers.